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SFLN Events


View Uniontown with Us!

Wednesday, March 24, 6 PM CDT

Uniontown weaves together the unheard individual narratives of grassroots organizers in Uniontown, Alabama, as they fight to take back the town from the hands of industrial polluters and complacent politicians in the midst of a high stakes local election.


Climate Justice on Sacred Ground:

​The Role of Church Lands in Resilience and Adaptation

In a time of climate crisis, church lands can be a powerful force of resilience and refuge. On this webinar, you’ll hear inspiring stories of land regeneration, transform-ation, and adaptation in the face of the storm of the climate crisis, and gain some tools to leverage your own church land for climate resilience.


The Black Church |

The Green Movement

12 PM - 3 PM
Sat. April 24 | Sat. July 31 |

Sat. Oct. 30
Zoom Link ID 4877759552
Password 445378

(678) 913-7477

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